Special discount for Kumari Bank customers at Sarathi Hotel, Dhulikhel

Customers of Kumari Bank Limited will get special discount at Sarathi Hotel in Dhulikhel, Kavre.

Kumari Bank and Sarathi Hotel Private Limited have collaborated to give discounts to the bank’s customers.

After the cooperation, the customers of Kumari Bank will be able to get attractive discounts of 10% to 15% on various food and beverages under Sarathi Hotel.

Rest assured that recreation and recreation is essential to keep the tired body and mind active in the continuous journey of life and for mental awareness and energy rejuvenation and to stay away from the busyness of daily life. Attractive discounts are provided to credit cardholders.

The agreement has been signed by Navina Baidya, branch manager of Kumari Bank Banepa and Prahlad Pyakurel, managing director and executive chairman of Sarathi Hotel.

KUMARI Bank has been providing state-of-the-art banking facilities from its 196 branch network, 165 ATMs, 32 branchless banking units and 13 extension counters across the country and is committed to provide more simple, accessible and excellent services in the days to come.

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